
SSC Exam Form Fill Up Notice 2024 & Form Fill Up Fee

SSC Exam Form Fill Up Notice 2024 has been published. All forms must be submitted after filing the form within the declared time. No one will be given the opportunity to submit the form after the stipulated time. So you have to be careful to make sure that everything happens on time. Only after this form fill-up, you will be given the admit card.

SSC Form Fill Up 2024

SSC Form Fill Up 2024 will start from 30 October 2023 (Monday) will start working on the form fill up SSC examination 2024. If you are an SSC student please don’t miss the form fill-up. All of you should know about the SSC Exam Form Fill Up Notice 2023 preliminary if you appear in the SSC exam. It is mentioned below.

Last Date of The SSC Exam 2024 Form Fill-Up?

The last date of the SSC examination 2024 November 07, 2023 (Tuesday). In case you missed the date then you need the extra fees. Deadline for form fill-up with delay fees: November 13, 2023. So, read the notice very carefully.

SSC Form Fill-Up Fees 2024

Group NameForm Fill-up Fee
Science StudentBoard Fee- 1625/-

Centre Fee- 515

Total = 2140

Humanity StudentBoard Fee- 1535

Centre Fee-485

Total =2020

Business Studies StudentBoard Fee- 1535

Centre Fee-485

Total =2020

*** SSC form fill up Late Fee – 100/-

*** Students have to pay school due & session charge till 2024. You should not pay 2023 School monthly tuition fee

Please don’t provide the extra fees, If you take additional fees to fill the SSC form, please call the following number ‘ 106 ‘ If you make a complaint by calling 106 number the ACC team will go to school. So, don’t forget to share this post with your student friends.

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SSC Exam Form Fill Up Notice

According to the notice, that time for form fill-up is not too long. The educational institution will have to complete it within the specified time. However, with the late fee, more time will be available. And the process for Form fill-up needs to be completed online. Important dates for the SSC Form fill-up are highlighted.

  • Deadline to publish the results of the test examination: October 19, 2023.
  • Form fill-up begins: October 30, 2023.
  • Form fill-up ends: November 07, 2023.
  • The deadline for the form fill-up without delayed fee: November 08 , 2023.
  • Deadline for form fill-up with delay fees: November 13, 2023.
  • You now know about the Form fill-up. Now take a look at the SSC exam routine.


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SSC Exam Form Fill Up Notice PDF 2024

You now know about the Form fill-up. Now take a look at the SSC exam routine 2024.

How to fill out SSC form online?

You have nothing to worry about SSC Form fill-up. Your organization will be filing your forms online. For those involved in educational institutions, we will show the Form Fill-up method. How to fill a form is described here, step by step.

  • First, visit the website of the corresponding Board of Education.
  • Then click on OEMS/EFF and log in with EIN and password.
  • Then select Eligible Students from the Probable List. You can select/unselect from the Temporary list if you wish.
  • Then you can be taken to a payslip. If all is well then, print the payslip. Then take the printed payslip and pay the fee through ‘Sonali Sheba.’ The amount of the fee to be paid will be mentioned in the payslip. It is important to remember that after printing the payslip, no student can be selected or unselected.
  • The final candidate list will be active within 24 hours of submission of the fee.
  • Print the final candidate list and collect signatures of the students. And every page should have the signature of the Establishment Chief.

All the worry regarding form fill-up should now vanish. Also take a look on how to view SSC result. It will come in handy in the near future.

The Final Word

All information regarding SSC Exam Form Fill-Up Notice 2024 has now been presented to you. Finish the form Fill-up and give emphasis on study without wasting a single minute.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

আজকের আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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